News and events

Near Full Density Hybrid (Rolled/LMD) Steel Components for Construction…

Porosity in additively manufactured metallic components poses a significant risk to the mechanical behavior of fabricated components. In our recent publication, Alessandro Menghini has presented nearly uniform density components comprising of a rolled section and a DED section with considerable construction applications. For more details please refer to our published manuscript “”.

News and events

Visit to Cimolai SpA Facilities

Team #ConstructAdd visited Cimolai SpA’s industrial facilities in Pordenone during the 5th coordination meeting to explore opportunities for expanding the use of additive manufacturing (AM) in the large steel structures industry. The visit offered valuable insights that will contribute to shaping the future of structural engineering.

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News and events

5th Coordination Meeting of ConstructAdd, held in Pordenone, Italy.

Our PhD candidate, Saber Zolfaghari, is presenting his research on a novel 3D-printed joint connector for tubular and I-beam sections at the 5th Coordination Meeting in Pordenone. Leveraging the potential of WAAM and supported by FEM-based structural performance analysis, the designed joints aim to minimize stress concentration areas while achieving significant mass reduction.

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